Micro Giving HOPE Box
Thank you for participating in Robbie’s Hope Microgiving campaign! We are here to support you every step of the way.
Enclosed in your HOPE Box is:
- 25 Adult Handbooks
- 50 Rubber Bracelets
- 2 Donation Cards
- 2 About Robbie’s Hope Cards
- 1 Speaking Engagement Card
- Flash Drive with a Resource Packet Including (for use as you see fit):
- Video About Robbie’s Hope (2:02 in length)
- A couple of pictures of Robbie
- “Follow Us” print file for a 5x7 post card
- Various Robbie’s Hope logos in a .png format to create your own materials
- QR codes that link to our Adult and Technology Handbooks
- QR codes that link to Venmo and our normal donation site
- Donate card .png file in case you want to print more copies